samedi 25 février 2012

Open the Cipher Berlin | Evolving our definition of Language

Open the cipher (OTC)  is a series designed to hold conversations in a community around an essential idea whose time has come.
OTC: Berlin | Evolving Our Definition Of Language will gather

 young visionary scholars for a public exchange of ideas on linguistics, knowledge production, words, and voices, exploring the space between what is and what could be.

The current dialogues in academia and linguistics as it pertains to language are framed in Euro-linguistic terminology and epistomologies.
We intend to broaden conventional and public ideas of language by examining the following
a) Is the right to define language a democratized one or a monopoly?
b) How does the field of linguistics view ancient forms of communication such as sand writing and modern forms as graffiti?
c) what is the relationship between the medium, the message, and the people?
We are inviting five presenters who each are creating unique interventions in their fields to speak on their work as it pertains to language creation and dissemination of ideas.

Humboldt-Box invited 250 000 guests to visit our installation

mardi 14 juin 2011

Youtube Channel AmbrymDobesProject

From now on you can follow our visual work on the AmbrymDobesProject Channel. If you happen to find anything of use for teaching do not hesitate in emailing me. Videos can be sent to you personally and in higher resolution.

AmbrymDobesProject Channel

samedi 19 mars 2011

Animation of sandrawings

We are in preparation of a game for kids so that they can learn to peform sandrawings.
You can have a try with this but you will be able to see much more during our upcoming exhibition in Berlin. Opening is announced to be on June 29.

For now your can try your sandrawing skills :

mercredi 2 mars 2011

Science Movies

Mise en ligne des premiers épisodes de la série Science Movies, une vue du travail des scientifiques de l'intérieur. 8 disciplines (biologie, chimie, archéologie, linguistique....) ont été choisie par la Fondation Volkswagen pour donner à voir "la science telle qu'elle se fait". La version anglaise est à venir.

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